What Does It Take to be a Professional Estimator?

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BY Rick

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A few of the many things that make a great professional estimator is knowledge, communication and the proper tool set.

Many estimators turn to ASPE (American Society of Professional Estimators) who provide education, fellowship and the opportunity for professional development. ASPE provides proper education, ethics, standards, certification and fellowship which lead to the ultimate goal of professionalism. Contact ASPE to become a member or learn more about their education and certifications.

As for communication and the proper tool set, PipelineRFQ™ allows the general contractor to get bid solicitation invitations out quickly and with the fewest amount of clicks possible. All project files are easily accessible for the subcontractor by clicking on the project link in the invitation to bid. The project files and addenda are in one location for the sub to easily access and without having to login. PipelineRFQ™ makes communication of project files and addenda effortless which results in more accurate and professional bids.

Please visit us at our booth to learn more information on the “suite” of services offered by PipelineSuite®. Missed us at our booth? No problem, click here to request a demo or sign up for a free trial.