Driving Change in the Construction Industry

BY Andy Dill

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As the construction industry adopts smarter technology to help with day-to-day operations, PipelineSuite leads the way with new software updates that make our customers’ lives easier.

PipelineSuite has been around for 20 years and leads change in the pre-construction technology space because we listen to our customers’ needs when we develop our solutions. Customers suggest features and can vote on the top ideas so we know what to build next.

Subcontractor Directory

  • When our customers were lacking coverage for projects, we sourced a Subcontractor Directory with hundreds of thousands of subcontractors. We took it a step further, and have a team of callers that will find more subs for our customers upon request.

Bid Tabulations and Open API

  • The largest Mechanical Contractor in the US needed to streamline their bid tabulation process. Our open API enabled them to integrate with their back-end system and sync over 500 line items. Now their estimating team can easily choose from templates, and vendors easily enter their quotes.

Prequalification Module

  • Many customers needed to show Good Faith Effort but didn’t have any necessary data on their subs. We launched a Prequalification Module so your subs can submit their certifications, affiliations and anything else you need to choose the right sub for the job. The form is completely customizable, and auto-updates the company record upon approval.

Bid Packages

  • Many GCs suggested we make it easier to customize their invitations by trades, which is why we launched Bid Packages. You can now create a project and customize the scope of work, bid date, and document viewing permissions for each trade.

PipelineSuite’s main strength is the way we allow our customers the ability to customize their solutions to their processes. We listen to your needs, and build new features and improvements every month. If you’d like to learn more about what’s next, give us a call or sign up for a quick demonstration!